Quick R: -------- Get into R and then cut and paste the following into the window with the command prompt (>):\sko #-------------------------------------------------- #read in data and look at it (lines starting with # are a comment) hd=read.table("http://www.rob-mcculloch.org/housedata.txt",header=TRUE) cat("The variables in the housing data are:\n") print(names(hd)) cat("The number of rows and columns are:\n") print(dim(hd)) cat("The first 5 observations are:\n") print(hd[1:5,]) #plot and summarize the data attach(hd) #access the variables in hd directly by name plot(Size,Price) ms = mean(Size) mp = mean(Price) mv=c(ms,mp) cat("The averages of Size and Price are:\n") print(mv) cat("The standard deviation of Size and Price are:\n") print(c(sd(Size),sd(Price))) cat("The correlation between Size and Price is: ",cor(Size,Price),"\n") #regress Price (y) on Size (x) housereg = lm(Price~Size,hd) cat("The Regression output for Price on Size is\n") print(summary(housereg)) a = housereg$coefficients[1] b = housereg$coefficients[2] abline(a,b,col="red") #-------------------------------------------------- After it all runs type ls() at the > prompt. Then type ms at the prompt. Then type mv at the prompt. Then type mv[2] at the prompt. Then type b at the prompt. Then type ?abline at the prompt.